In 1977 my son and I kept our first Boa Constrictor together. At this time, I had a close friend who was a science teacher at our local school. He was interested in my knowledge of snakes and invited me to his fifth grade science class to speak about the Boa and snakes in general. I wasn't sure that fifth graders would be so interested in snakes and reptiles. But I was mistaken. My talk was so well received, by that first class, several teachers who saw me in that classroom, came forward and wanted to know when I could visit their classes! So my talks became a regular event at that first school in Orland Park. The kids really wanted a hands on experience, and asked a million questions, they couldn't get enough information.
Realizing there was such a void in this kind of information and hands on displays, a career was born. They say if you are working at what you love, it's not really work.
My overall love and interest for these specific animals and this classroom experience, energized me to start Cold Blooded Creatures.
So as a matter of courtesy to him, I decided to focus on reptiles only, which was my main interest and expertise. I was able to use the knowledge I had gained as a behaviorist, to select through observation, a team of kid friendly reptiles. I put together a program which worked into the science departments curriculum at each and every school I visited. Soon, these schools also became annual programs for Cold Blooded Creatures.
That was the true start of CBC. It is a thrill for me to teach people about these amazing creatures. It is also a kick to work with students who are so fearful, but by the time we were finished with our program, they were confident in handling the animals, feeling comfortable and overcoming fears. Having confidence in what you know and like transcends into other parts of your life.
These are both more recent photos of a local Elementary school in New Lenox, Illinois.